FREE Shipping on Orders Over $65 (Canada & U.S.)


Our Buylist Program:

Mythic Cardz is always buying MTG and Pokémon cards! We have a very simple and straight forward buylist program and it goes as follows;

  • We only buy NM/M English cards, anything that is not of this grade or language, please do not send or it will be returned.
  • All card prices are based on TCG Player Market Prices and are in USD.
  • Cards valued above $50.00 we give 70% of TCG Player Market Price.
  • Cards valued from $20.00 to $49.99 we give 65% of TCG Player Market Price.
  • Cards valued from $10.00 to $19.99 we give 60% of TCG Player Market Price.
  • Cards Valued from $5.00 to $9.99 we give 50% of TCG Player Market Price.
  • Cards Valued from $2.00 to $4.99 we give 40% of TCG Player Market Price.
  • If you choose to take store credit, we will give you a 10% bonus on the price we offer you.
  • All Ultra Rare cards (EX, V, GX, VMAX, Break, etc) under $2.00 are consider bulk Ultra Rares and you will receive a flat .75 cents for each card, which is far above the market price most stores will offer you.
  • We do not cover shipping to us and payment is sent via Paypal as soon as the cards are received, verified and inspected to ensure grading is accurate, which is the industry standard.

Please send your buylist to and we will get back to you asap with a price!



In regards to bulk Pokémon commons and uncommons, we offer .02 cents per card and .05 cents per bulk Rare and holo. We are not buying MTG bulk at this current time.

We will cover the cost for shipping bulk to us via USPS and Canada Post, as long as the cheapest shipping option available is selected.